About Me

I'm Jonathan Deiss, a software developer from Austin, Texas currently studying Computer Science at Baylor University (graduates May 2028). I've been tinkering with computers as long as I can remember and am pursuing a career as a software engineer. I got into game development in eighth grade and spent my first two years of highschool focused on Gamemaker Studio 2 and Godot. I later took a fullstack developer bootcamp from MITxPro and have more recently been exploring topics in language design and systems development. In my free time I like to read science fiction and play tennis.

Personal Projects

You can view everything on my github. Here are some highlights:


Do shell is an interpreted language I'm currently working on built in Rust (or maybe Go?). It aims to be the perfect language for writing those tools that are too complex for a simple bash script (i.e. needs complicated command line arguments) but still would like the quick system integration of the shell. As of October 28, it is in very early development.


Inkdocs is a static site builder (that this site is built on!). It provides a simple build system to have your markdown files built with JSX component layouts and has a tight integration with htmx for creating snappy sites.


Inkchat is a self-hosted chat application. It uses an SQLite database with websocket communication to a web client.

Dodge Roll

Dodge roll is a game made in 72 hours for the GMTK game jam. It's a top down shooter built in the Godot game engine.

NixOS Config

I'm very proud of my NixOS+neovim config. I have a multi-system config that can run anywhere from a vps to a vm to my laptop. I use hyprland as my primary window manager, firefox as my browser, neovim as my editor, and tmux + alacritty. I have many custom tools such as a project browser, pomodoro timer, and project templating system.

Professional Work

Game Developer Intern at Spicy Lobster Studios

Summer 2023 - Spring 2024

Spicy Lobster Studios is a small independent game studio that makes educational math games for children. I built three new levels in a Godot codebase to reach the minimum viable product. I also spent time refactoring our level organization system.

Vice Tech Lead at STEMist Education

Summer 2024

STEMist education is a nonprofit led by high schoolers that provides STEM education and camps to middle and high schoolers. Within six weeks I was promoted to the Vice Tech Lead to spearhead the migration of our website from a bloated Next.JS site to Astro. I mentored less experienced members to increase velocity and migrate the website one week earlier than expected. I also refactored a google form to spreadsheet pipeline despite two previous failed or broken attempts.


You can find me on: